The oversubscribed Alpine Investors Fund VIII has since its inception in 2001 delivered stellar returns to investors.
The details
This has been accomplished through a deep sector focus within services and software. This is combined with a unique focus on talent within companies, hiring Alpine trained CEO’s before acquiring companies. Finally, the strategy is augmented with an extensive focus on add-ons to quickly scale companies.
In combination with a very stable and experienced investment team, we have high conviction that Alpine Investors will continue to generate attractive returns to investors as the team deploy Alpine Investors Fund VIII.
The investment is the result of a systematic and dedicated sourcing effort, having known the manager for over three years before making this first commitment to Alpine.
For more information, visit Alpine Investors.
A new collaboration within alternative investments across Denmark, Sweden and Finland has been established to increase net returns and to put further emphasis on ESG matters.
Our investment team has been busy lately, and therefore we are indeed pleased to welcome Thorkell Eyjolfsson in the capacity of Investment Director.
On February 28, DIF VII and CIF III reached their final closing. By collaborating, members of the Nordic Investment Club achieved favorable terms such as substantial size-related discounts on fees, preferred co-investment terms, LPAC representation, as well as other benefits reserved for large investors.